ESFPA Is In Support of the Following Memos for 2023
Memos of Support
Bill # & Full Language Link
Bill Description
Date Memo Issued |
A. 161/ S. 31
Establishes a forestry stewardship and habitat conservation credit for personal income and business franchise taxes.
Support Memo
January 30, 2023
A. 2544
Relates to the liability of landowners who permit recreational uses of their land; establishes landowners owe no duty to keep premises safe for entry, passage over premises or other recreational uses or to give warning of any hazardous condition or use of or structure or activity on such premises to persons entering for such purposes.
Support Memo
January 31, 2023
A. 964/S. 1292
Establishes the clean fuel standard of 2023; provides such standard is intended to reduce carbon intensity from the on-road transportation sector by 20% by 2031, with further reductions to be implemented based upon advances in technology.
Support Memo
February 2, 2023
A. 1314
Approves land transactions relating to the implementation of the land exchange for the forest preserve health and safety land account and public utility improvements.
Support Memo
February 4, 2023
A. 1458/S. 192
Relates to providing a tax credit for densified biomass fuel expenditures; defines "qualified densified biomass fuel expenditures" and "densified biomass fuel".
Support Memo
February 4, 2023
A. 51
Establishes the New York state clean energy tech production program as a self-directed program for industrial, commercial and large users in order to stimulate the growth and adoption of more efficient use of energy, greater use of advanced energy management products, deeper penetration of renewable energy resources, wider deployment of "distributed" energy resources, and storage. |
Support Memo
January 30, 2023 |
A. 783/S. 2630
Relates to establishing an urban deer management pilot program; authorizes the department of environmental conservation, after a review of the site-specific deer management plan, and upon a finding that deer have become a nuisance, destructive to public or private property or a threat to public health or welfare, to issue a certified nuisance wildlife specialist a deer cull permit; defines terms. |
Support Memo
March 27, 2023 |
A. 6039/S. 6030
Relates to the state greenhouse gas emission accounting system; aligns the state accounting system with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) accounting system. |
Support Memo
April 4, 2023 |